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Q: Why should russia be blamed for world war 1?
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Who w blamed for World War 1?

They blamed Serbia. People think he murdered their king and went to war with him. And Russia was one Serbias side

Why is world war 1 not world war 1?

Russia cannot be blamed for World War I. There were various alliances in Europe during the time that would create war due to association. The following alliances existed: Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria, France and Russia, Britain and France and Belgium, Japan and Britain.

Why is Russia not to blame for World War 1?

Russia cannot be blamed for World War I. There were various alliances in Europe during the time that would create war due to association. The following alliances existed: Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria, France and Russia, Britain and France and Belgium, Japan and Britain.

What are short term reasons Russia joined the war?

they were blamed for starting the war

Why was World War 1 blamed on World War 2?

World War I was not blamed on World War II because World War I happened first. Rather, World War II was blamed on World War I, because WWI destroyed the German economy and made Hitler's message of national unity and triumph attractive to the average German.

Who did President Wilson blame for World War 1?

President Wilson blamed Germany for World War 1.

Should world war 2 be blamed on Germany?

Yes, the blame for World War 2 rests primarily with Germany and Japan. They made the decision to start a war of aggression.

How did the peace agreement made during the Paris Peace Conference differ from Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Answer this question…It officially blamed Germany for causing World War I.

Who blamed Germany for World War 1?

Everyone did

How did they feel about the blamed in World War 1?


What country was most blamed for World War I?

Germany is given all blame for ww1 in clase 231 A of the treaty of versailes even though the cause of the war was archduke franz Ferdinand's assasination. franz was the heir to the austro-Hungarian throne, austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for it and declared war on them thus russia declared war on A.H. because they were allies with Serbia so Germany declared war on russia because they were alies with A.H. so France beclared war on Germany because they were allies with russia and so on so forth.

What are some effects of World War I?

America, France, UK, and Soviet Russia all got parts of Germany.Germany was blamed for WW1 by the Treaty of caused many deaths