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Q: Why should scientists record observations during experiments?
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Why do scientists make and record observations?

to know the knowledge next time

Why do you record observations and data?

Well you record these for later use and for communicating. At the end of the process, as we all know, its share results. So, you record observations and data so you can share and exchange results with other scientists. This will help create new ideas and methods, which will help in later experiments......................... Im in the 8th grade MLK MAGNET hope i helped:)

Why do scientists record details about scientific observations?

to provide evidence that supports conclusions.

Why is it important for scientists to make careful observations and to keep accurate record?

So They Can Have The Accurate Answers

How would a scientist use a spread sheet?

Scientists can use spread sheets to record data from their experiments.

What do you notice during an experiment?

Record your observations during an experiment. This will be part of the data you collect.

What two specific categories of observations did Charles Darwin record during his trip around the world?

wtfwhat two specific categories of observations did Charles Darwin record during his trip around the world?

Why would a scientist need to do his experiment again?

Scientists record experiments in trials.They repeat experiments over and over again so they can find averages.Also,experiments in different conditions,called varibles,could change.But the main reason is the outcome would change

Why is it necessary to make clear accurate record of all observations?

To be able to consult the data later, to talk seriously with others about the experiment, to compare experiments and results, to support arguments, etc.

Is it important that scientists record his data?

Yes it is. They need to keep records of experiments, like the process of the experiment, so they can repeat it again, and the results. This helps in further research they will do and that other scientists may do. Science is all about gaining and testing knowledge, so it is critical that they record their data.

Why is it important to record your observations while you are examining a specimen?

Recording observations is important because it provides a permanent record of your findings, allowing for accurate data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It also helps to track changes over time and enables others to replicate the study or further investigate the specimen based on your observations.

The goal of a statement of purpose?

to define the objective of an experiment