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Because we need to. We need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and stop producing greenhouse gases. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, say about 50 years, the only viable source of energy in the large scale is nuclear. None of the alternative sources are truly ready for large scale continuous operation.

It is true that nuclear power carries risk, but so does fossil power. In fact, it can be argued that the risk of fossil power is greater, in total, than the risk of nuclear power. Unfortunately, various incidents such as Fukushima Daiichi, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island have been highlighted way out of proportion and people are unnecessarily afraid.

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Q: Why should society continue to use nuclear energy?
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nuclear energy?It should be any way~(=w=)

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Should nuclear energy be banned?

Actually it is good and bad. Nuclear energy can save many people lives but in can be used as nuclear weapons which are super dangerous. resulting in explosions.

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The UK has been nuclear for a very long time. It has lots of nuclear energy stations and lots of nuclear weapons.

Should nuclear energy be used to generate power?

It can be used to generate power but it is very dangerous yet little nuclear energy can generate ALOT of power.

Should you still use nuclear power?

Nuclear power is very good source of energy to turn to. The only problem is the storage of nuclear waste, that is left over after the nuclear reaction the power plant. The energy obtained from the nuclear power plant is very clean burning and more KJ/mole energy.

Is accidental radiation release a consequence of nuclear energy?

Yes. The bigger question should be "what is the risk/benefit ratio of nuclear energy?" That is subject to great debate, but the hard science behind all of it suggests strongly that it is lower than most of us will admit. Nuclear energy is environmentally safe, in the grand scheme of things, both from the perspective of accidental radioactivity release and from the ecological perspective of it not being a good idea at all to continue using fossil fuels.

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I consider that the nuclear energy is a chance for the future.

Which alternative energy source do you think should developed in the future explain.?

I consider that the nuclear energy is a chance for the future.

Should nuclear energy be use as an alternative?

I think so, others disagree

Should nuclear energy be abolished?

It can't be. It is natural and available. Someone willuse it.