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Q: Why should soil nutrients be replenished from time to time?
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Why should soil be replenished with nutrients?

because when a plant lives it draws nutrients out of the soil through it's roots to live, leaving less nutrients in the soil meaning there are less nutrients for other plants to grow at a later time. so to ensure future plant growth, you must replenish the nutriens.

How do you replenish soil in container gardens I don't want to replace it all?

If the soil in a container garden need to be replenished and it is not time to repot the plant, fertilizer must be added to the soil. This can be accomplished through organic or inorganic means.

How can soil fertility be maintained?

soil fertility can be obtained if: farmers ensure that plant nutrients and organic matter are added back to the soil from time to time. farmers carry outbood cuktural practices to reduce or prevent the loss of soil nutrients. famers increase soil nutrients

Why do people with anorexia have brittle skin?

When someone is aneorexic, they stop eating for long periods of time, or the only eat very scarce amounts. Because of this, they are not gaining proper nutrients and therefore theyre skin is not being replenished with nutrients for maintaining thick skin layers. WIthout the nutrients from food, your skin will not be replenished nearly as often and will result in think and fragile skin texture. This can lead to extreme bruising and bleeding.

Replenished in a short time?

No, water is not replenished in short time. It takes months to replenish the water.

What type of soil taiga?

Most of the time it is young and poor in nutrients, due to low temperatures.

How does soil affect crops that farmers grow?

The soil determines what crops can grow, and how well they will grow. Organic matter in the soil, amount of clay, and pH (acidity) are all factors in how fertile the soil is. Different crops use different amounts of the various nutrients; this is why crop roatation and summer fallow are used. That way it gives the soil time to replenish its nutrients and then that crop can be grown again and not suffer from lacking nutrients.

How is the underground stem important in its growth of shoots?

underground stem is where most of the nutrients for growth of shoots is absorbed. variety of nutrients dissolve into soil, such as animals' dung (which is full of nutrients.. dont laugh) washed by rain and goes into the soil. The underground stem would absorb those nutrients and send the nutrients through the plant in order to survive. the nutrients are absorbed by water, meaning that the nutritions will be dissolved into the water and stem would be sucking the water & getting the nutrients at the same time.

Why was crops rotation beneficial to farms?

Different crops use different nutrients from the soil. Crop rotation means that specific nutrients have time to replenish themselves over successive seasons.

What happen with topsoil and nutrients as time passes?

Over time, topsoil can become depleted of nutrients due to erosion, weathering, and uptake by plants. This can lead to decreased soil fertility and productivity. It is important to replenish nutrients through methods like crop rotation, cover cropping, and organic matter additions to maintain soil health.

Why are some aquifers replenished and some take time to replenish?

Because they're replenished by rain water, maybe it may not rain often in that location?

What is any natural resource that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time?
