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Use it when you are implementing something that says it throws a certain exception when a certain condition is met.

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Q: Why should throw keyword is used in java?
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What keyword are used in java for exception handling?

The important keywords used in Java with respect to Exception Handling are: a. Throw - The "throw" keyword is used to throw exceptions from inside a method b. Throws - The "throws" keyword is used to signify the fact that the code contents within the current method may be throwing an exception and the calling method must handle them appropriately

Can NullPointerException be used with ArithmaticException using throws keyword in java?

No. You cannot throw or catch Null pointer exceptions

What types of values can be thrown in java?

Only instances of subclasses of throwable can be used in conjunction with the throw keyword. In java all exceptions and errors are subclasses of throwable.

When wil you need throws keyword in java?

The throws keyword will be used in method declaration to signify the fact that, some pieces of code inside the method may throw exceptions that are specified in the method signature.

How java use extern key word which is used in C plus plus?

No extern keyword in Java.

What keyword is used to invoke user-defined exceptions?

throw is the keyword used to invoke the exception.throw new NoBalanceException("No balance please");

Describe how throw and throws clause differ when implementing exception handling in java?

The throw keyword is used to throw an exception that may be generated in a code block. Ex: if (some condition){ throw new CannotProcessFileException("InvalidFile"); } The throws keyword is used in method signatures to signify the fact that, this method would be throwing exceptions of the type specified if the code in the method happens to generate one. Ex: public String getNameFromDB(int id) throws SQLException {

What is throw keyword in java?

The throw keyword is used from within a method to "throw" an exception to the calling method. In order to throw an exception, the method signature must indicate that it will throw an exception. For example: public void foo() throws Exception { } When you want to actually throw the exception, you can do it a few different ways: throw new Exception("Exception message"); or from within a catch block ( catch(Exception ex) ): throw ex;

What is the use of try in java?

The try keyword is used in Java to handle problematic situations that are commonly known as "Exceptions" The try keyword is used in conjunction with the catch keyword. If any exception is thrown by code inside the try block, they will be caught and handled by the catch block. Ex: try { ... ... } catch (Exception e){ ... }

Is super keyword is anologous to this keyword in java?

No. The keyword super is used to refer to the parent class instance while the keyword this is used to refer to the current class instance. You need to learn about Inheritance and Object creation using constructors to learn more about these keywords and their use

Is super keyword is analogous to this keyword in java?

No. The keyword super is used to refer to the parent class instance while the keyword this is used to refer to the current class instance. You need to learn about Inheritance and Object creation using constructors to learn more about these keywords and their use

What are packages in java environment?

A package is used to group related classes. Each class in the group is identified by the "package" keyword, followed by some keyword for the group.