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because_they_should">because they shouldThis is a myth. Real vampires do not avoid crosses. Some even wear them as an ironic statement.
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Q: Why should vampires avoid crosses?
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What should vampires avoid?

Vampires should avoid sunlight as it can be fatal to them. They should also stay away from garlic as it is believed to repel vampires. Additionally, vampires should avoid crosses or religious symbols as they are often considered a deterrent to their powers.

What do vampires stay away from?

Vampires typically avoid sunlight, garlic, crosses, holy water, and religious symbols like crucifixes. They are also known to avoid running water and silver.

What should vampires avid and why and how do people wardoff or kill them?

In mythology, vampires avoid sunlight, crosses, holy water and sometimes water. Overexposure to any of these can kill a vampire. In reality, vampires mainly avoid sunlight/bright light and loud noises. A vampire in reality has heightened senses and has great difficulty tolerating solar radiation. Non-fiction vampires can be killed in the usual methods.

Do Jewish vampires avoid crosses or Stars of David?

No, all vampires will get you. No matter what you do you will die. And just because you read this you may die now. Sorry, but vampires dont like people that look these things up.

Why should vampires avoid vampeneze?

The vampenze kill their pray before they drink; vampire do not, they knock them out, and take a sip. When a vampire crosses paths with a vampeneze, vice versa, their ways may get them into battle.

How do you scare vampires away?

You can scare them with garlic, jewelry with crosses on them and crosses.

Are werewolves scared of crosses?

No, only vampires are said to be scared of crosses, but there is no record of werewolves being scared of crosses.

Are vampires really effected by crosses?

Vampires are fictional creatures and will be affected by whatever the author wishes, but holy water, crosses and wooden stakes are the most commonly used devices to ward of a Vampire in Fantasy land. vampires are not real

What cant vampires go near?

Sunlight, garlic, crosses.

What are vampires arraid of?

Garlic, sunlight, crosses and holy water.

Why vampires should avoid stakes?

Because, traditionally, stakes have been used to impale vampires to their graves and serve as a method of vampire destruction.

Why should vampires avoid the sun?

because it burns them and turns them to dust or in twilight they sparkle To add to the above answer, it depends what kinds of vampires we are talking about. The original folklore shows vampires had no need to avoid the sun, it did not burn them whatsoever, and in fact they were capable of walking in sunlight.