

Why should we not see a magnesium ribbon burn?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Burning magnesium emits ultraviolet light, which can damage your eyes.

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Q: Why should we not see a magnesium ribbon burn?
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What do you see when you burn magnesium ribbon?

it turn white as ash

Why should you not look at magnesium ribbon when it burns?

When magnesium burns in air the intense light produced contains consider ultraviolet that can permanently damange the eye's retina. Please see the link.

What happens when magnesium ribbon burns?

When a magnesium ribbon is burned it combines with molecular oxygen forming magnesium oxide (MgO); the flame color is white.A huge spark. Kind of like a firework-ish. You kind of have to see it.

What will you see if magnesium ribbon is added to a copper solution?

The ribbon starts to break up at the surface, a brown solid forms(copper metal), and the solution eventually becomes colourless (from losing copper ions)

Why when magnesium ribbon is burnt the ash is heavier?

When Magnesium burns, it is actually combining with oxygen in the air to form a new compound, magnesium oxide. If we were to carefully weigh a piece of magnesium before and after burning it, you would see that its weight increased by about one third. For example, if you start with 100 grams of magnesium, after the burn you would end up with about 130 grams of magnesium oxide. The fact that the magnesium oxide you create by burning is powdery, means that it takes up more space (size or volume) than the solid magnesium did.

What happens if you add magnisium ribbon to sulphic acid?

Sulfuric acid? Mg + H2SO4 -> MgSO4 + H2 You produce magnesium sulfate ( a salt ) and hydrogen gas. ( you should see many bubbles of the hydrogen gas in solution )

What happens when you burn mg ribbon in air?

When Magnesium burns, it is actually combining with oxygen in the air to form a new compound, magnesium oxide. If we were to carefully weigh a piece of magnesium before and after burning it, you would see that its weight increased by about one third. For example, if you start with 100 grams of magnesium, after the burn you would end up with about 130 grams of magnesium oxide. The fact that the magnesium oxide you create by burning is powdery, means that it takes up more space (size or volume) than the solid magnesium did. When Magnesium burns, it is actually combining with oxygen in the air to form a new compound, magnesium oxide. If we were to carefully weigh a piece of magnesium before and after burning it, you would see that its weight increased by about one third. For example, if you start with 100 grams of magnesium, after the burn you would end up with about 130 grams of magnesium oxide. The fact that the magnesium oxide you create by burning is powdery, means that it takes up more space (size or volume) than the solid magnesium did.

What would you see if a piece of magnesium ribbon reacts with dilute hydrocholric acid?

You would see bubbles (effervescence) of Hydrogen gas being given off as the reaction happens.Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid ------> Magnesium Chloride + HydrogenMetal + acid ------> Metal Salt + Hydrogen


See this link for more details.

Should you see a doctor about an ulcers on your tongue that burn?


What happens to the magnesium atoms when you mix it with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Let's see. Mg + 2HCl --> MgCl2 + H2 You produce a salt, magnesium chloride, and hydrogen gas ( should see the hydrogen gas effusing ) from this reaction.

What kind of vibration might you see in a colored ribbon?

If the ribbon end is shaken up and down you would see a transverse wave.