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Q: Why should you breathe thru nose and not thru mouth?
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Why would your breathe stink when you breathe out of your mouth but not when you breathe out of your nose?

this is a trick question you can smell thru your nose and breath thru it

When working out in martial arts do you breathe in through your nose or out of your mouth?

there are three levels and two types of ibuki [breathing] the first level is in thru the nose out thru the mouth. the second is in thru the mouth out thru the nose the third level is in and out of the nose and moth at once; this is used in jiu jitsu when you are being smothered or choked. it's like panting, so you can keep enough air in your body to survive and conquor the two types of ibuki are the breath of the han ~ used in power techniques and the breath of the su, used in speed techniques you may want to read up on zazen ~ positional meditation ~ that focuses heavily on breathing

How do you voluntarily lower heart rate?

One way is to concentrate on your breathing and to take slow deep breaths thru your nose and out your mouth. Using your diaphragm and abdomen to breathe deeply will assist you to relax and this will lower your blood pressure and your pulse

Do goldfish breathe through their mouth or through their gills?

a) Goldfish (all fish) breathe through their gills b) All fish (Including Goldfish) suck water in through their mouth and pass it through their gill filament's.

What is hallitosis?

Halitosis is when a person produces a really bad odar from their nose and mouth. So just like morning breath but thru your nose too and all the time... EWW! :Z

How do you breath for football and running?

Thru your nose.

How does an anemone reproduce?

Thru your mouth...

How does an ant eat?

thru its mouth

What steps does one need to take to perform CPR?

The first step is to gently shake the victim to see whether they are ok. Next, tilt the head back with one hand under the neck to open the airway. Breathe one deep breath thru the mouth while pinching the nose shut. Then 5 rapid chest compressions.

How you sing without singing thru your nose?

Plug your nose and then try singing. Everyone sings through their nose.

How do Sexual and asexual breathe?

Thru Dey Lungs Like Er'Body Else.

How does the scallop move?

it sucks watter in and blows it out thru its mouth.