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Q: Why should you never poor liquids down the throat of someone who is unconscious?
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How can cinnamon get out of my throat?

Liquids: water, juice

How effective is Strepsil lozenge in curing throat pain?

Srepsil lozenge is an effective way of curing a throat pain. It is a remedy for sore throat. However, along with it you should also drink plenty of warm liquids and also have water.

How does honey help with hard coughs?

There's something in honey that's proven to soothe the throat. But if you have a sore throat or a bad cough you should have it with warm liquids

Will hot soup relieve a sore throat?

Hot soup or hot liquids are a good way to help relieve a sore throat. This is because the steam from the liquids will relieve the dry irritated tissue.

Why does mint make your throat cold when you drink liquids?

's the menthol

Where should you go if you or someone you know has a sore throat?

Go to your family doc or an ENT.

Do potato chips make your throat dry?

Yes. If you do not drink water or liquids.

What kind of liquids do I need to drink to help me cure my throat?

You should drink warm liquids to keep your level of body fluids up during a sore throat. You should have warm milk, soups and warm water. This works out to be a natural treatment for sore throat.

What part of the human body should be grab if you're going ti the jugular?

The throat, but that would be choking someone

What cause no sore throat but throat is swollen voice is horse?

Laryngitis, Pharyngitis and several other ailments can cause swollen throat and hoarse voice - but not soreness of the throat. Almost all of them are transient and self - limiting, though. You know the drill: Rest, lots of liquids, and aspirin or ibuprofen.

How can I get cinnamon out of my throat?

Drink milk or something. Check out Glozell's channel on youtube.

Can you get a cold or sore throat from someone else?

Sure. Many people can be carriers of disease but not actually having symptoms themselves.