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so that no one will be hurt

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Q: Why should you practice safety measure in case of typhoon?
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How do you bypass the electric eyes of a garage door system?

it is a safety measure and should not be bypassed.

Why should you observe safety measure while taking care of animals?

You should observe safety measures when taking care of animals for a number of reasons. These animals can bite and sting.

What should a social care worker do if unsafe practice is repoted but nothing is done about it?

you should contact social service or health and safety

What are safety measure during cheek cell experiment?

Everything used in cheek cell extraction should be sterile. Person or persons should be certified or licensed to fulfill safety protocol.

Can you tie off on a scaffold?

Yes, it is common and essential to tie off on a scaffold to prevent falls and ensure safety. Workers should use proper fall protection equipment, such as harnesses and lanyards, to secure themselves to the scaffold structure or a secure anchorage point. This practice is a crucial safety measure in construction and other industries where scaffolding is used.

What types of policies are offered by Safety Auto Insurance?

I did a search and could not find info on a company called "safety auto insurance, but for safety, you should purchase auto insurance for every vehicle you own. This is a safety measure that protects everyone.

Why should there be enough space around machinery as a safety measure?

so that way you can prevent possible injeries such as death

Does the Chinese or the Hawaiian or the Japanese or the Ethiopian have the English word typhoon?

they should

How should one avoid mountain slopes during and after typhoon?

becaouse we will be die

Why should you observe safety precautions while caring for animals?

When caring for animals, and in all your other activities, you should practice appropriate safety precautions because you do not want to be injured or worse, and precautions help you avoid that.

What is the purpose of safety audits?

Safety audits are conducted to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of a certain regulation within an organization or business entity. It includes checking of the said safety measure if it's still applicable, if there are necessary changes that needs to be done as soon as possible, and if the business or organization is really following such implementation. It includes evaluation of the safety measure being implemented and the control plans that the business or organization have come up with on their plan. Such audit should also ensure that the safety measure is adequately in line with the legislation being imposed on their region / country.

What are Safe working habits that should be practice in an information technology environment?

four safety erules involves in an information technology environment