

Why should you protect frogs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Frogs warn us about what will most likely happen to us in the future. They are similar to us, and if they become mutated, we will know what to expect.

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Q: Why should you protect frogs?
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What is being done to protect frogs?

giving frogs better water

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How does a frogs survive how does a frog survive?

Frogs just get food and protect themselves

Should frogs be killed?

no frogs should not be killed!

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the skin has poison in it

How do you protect pond from frogs?

A fine netted net could be the answer

What is the function of a frogs uterus?

I think it is to protect the baby frog

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They protect theirselves with their poison.

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They protect themselves by their thick, moist skin.

How do jungle frogs protect their eggs from fish in a stream?

they lay their eggs on trees

How do frogs protect their food?

The common frog doesn't protect its young. Once mating and spawning has finished, the spawn is left to develop. The hatching tadpoles live initially on algae until able to feed on microscopic aquatic creatures - and then develop into a frog that is able to leave the water.There are certain frogs of tropical rainforests that lay a single egg in the water found in certain plants. The frog will return and lay an unfertilised egg that the tadpole can eat.

Do frogs have long intestines?

You should just have the stuff with people, not frogs.