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If you donate money then it helps the people get food, medical care, and it sometimes gibes them just enough to expand the shelter so they'll be able to have more pets.

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to help animals that were beaten, abused and negelet by their owners

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Q: Why should you raise money for animal shelter?
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Why one should get job?

to earn money to buy food,cloths,shelter to get married to raise ur kids or else with out food, cloths or shelter u will die

To raise money door to door for an animal shelter would I need a form or something from the shelter to show donors that I will actually donate the money and not keep it myself?

Yes. Especially if the animal shelter is a registered 501c3 charitable organization. The donations would then be tax deductible, thereby resulting in possibly a larger donation. You must have some identification from the shelter irregardless, as you can get into trouble collecting donations without authorization.You don't need authorization from the animal shelter for the purpose of showing donors you are not keeping the money yourself. Nothing can prove that unless the donations are made by checks made out to the organization. You need authorization to show that you are soliciting and taking donations legally. You should not only get authorization from the organization but you should contact the town clerk or local police to determine if you need a permit.

Is habitat importent?

It provides food, shelter, water, space to facilitate their niche, and places to raise young for that certain animal.

Why is habitats important?

It provides food, shelter, water, space to facilitate their niche, and places to raise young for that certain animal.

How much it costs to raise a child?

Alot of money you pay for diapers bottles foood shelter clothes etc.

What does salvation army mean?

It's a place where homeless people live and they raise money to give them food and shelter.

What is the best way to raise money?

There are a lot of ways you can raise money. I was trying to raise money for a local animal shelter, and raised almost $20 just by collecting cans. You could do a fundraiser for school, you know, if your young. You could go out buy some chocolate bars, and sell them door to door for more than you bought them for. It's called making progress. Not illegal. I think i spelt that wrong. oh well. try it!

How can a 12 year old help animal abuse?

Raise Money and then send it to a nearby Animal Abuse Clinic.

How much does it cost to raise a child?

Alot of money you pay for diapers bottles foood shelter clothes etc.

Qhat should i do to start off?

Raise money

What bears need to survive?

Like any animal, bears need food, water, shelter, and the ability to securely raise their young.

Can you raise money by lying about a injured animal?

NO! you would go to jail unless you injured that animal or really were living with a injured pet