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Your body regulates blood sugar. It is only if you have too much sugar (and carbohydrates break down into sugar) that the body can not keep up, does it become a problem.

When you eat large amounts of sugar or carbohydrates, it requires the body to continuously produce high levels of insulin to keep that sugar level down. (Insulin's job is to push sugar out of the bloodstream into the cells where it is used for energy.)

Eventually the cells in their body becomes insensitive to the effects of the insulin (insulin resistance). To handle this problem of insulin resistance their body begins to produce even higher levels of insulin. This continues until their pancreas reaches the maximum amount of insulin it can produce, and when the insulin resistance increases again, their blood sugar begins to rise out of control.

The result is type 2 Diabetes! Type 2 diabetes is actually an extreme case of insulin resistance.

It is then that you have to regulate your blood sugar via diet, excerise and give you body some help to make the body's cells sensitive again to the insulin.

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