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Q: Why should you should not take school lunch for granted?
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Is it correct to say bring your lunch or take your lunch?

take your lunch to school becuz you are taking it today

Why should students take their own food from home to school?

Students should take food from home to school because they would trust something brought from home than trust something in the lunch room. Also school lunches can be unhealthy. The parent knows what they're child should eat better than the lunch lady's do.

How long it take to get lunch form school when you turn in the paper?

depends on the school

How do Indians store their lunch to take to work or school?

in a tiffin

Where should you ask out a girl in middle school please be very specific?

you should ask her out in lunch, take her by the hand and tell her you want to tell her something, and then just tell her.

How many minutes to prepare lunch?

It should only take twenty minutes to prepare lunch.

What do you have for lunch?

NOTHING DO DO lol but i did have a breto for lunch XD

Have lunch or take lunch?

have lunch

How do you feel when you have your first day at secondary school?

take a filled pencil case with every thing you need and a lunch the rest should be given to you though out the first week

Something that start with the letter I you and have something to do with school?

Children take their lunch box to school. At school they study a language and visit the library. Laptops are a must for school these days.

Do you walk to school or bring your lunch?

Walk I take the bus or get driven, and I always take my lunch to avoid cafeteria lines and mystery meat! Both And, yet another answer I am driven to school by a bus, and I eat the school lunch (not always the best we all know). I walk to school sometimes, sometimes I ride my bike, sometimes my dad will drive me, and my school has good food so I eat cafeteria food. Loads of answers, this is a comment:What a dull subject

Should cell phones be banned in school?

It depends how they are used, if students are constantly using them during class they should take it away but if students are only using them at lunch recess or after school for calling their parents to say if they missed the bus i think its fine, but its a matter of opinion.