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Q: Why should you sometimes interfere with another countries affairs?
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Statement represents the viewpoint of the interventionists?

Interventionalism is when one country interferes with the affairs of another. At the beginning of WWI and WWII, interventionalists were isolationists - they wanted to remain secure and distant from the affairs of other countries, particularly when the wars were raging in Europe.

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Two waves of equal magnitude but opposite phase interfere with one another to cause the waves to disappear. This is caused by

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Foreign Affairs mean that they are with another country or toward. Domestic means of their own country.

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Most countries still use Roman numerals in one way or another as for example they are sometimes found on clocks and watches.

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Light will not interfere with another light. It will not combine either. Even laser beams will not interfere with one another if crossed. Only phonons in a material will react with one another.

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The Soviet Union would interfere in the affairs of another socialist country if SOCIALISM is at risk.

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No. If they are very close in frequency the radio may have trouble filtering out the unwanted station but generally they will not interfere.

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yes, sometimes Canadians will go to another country to get the surgery they want for personal reasons.