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The reputation of bottled water is lying bleeding in the gutter, which probably isn't a bad thing.

While the product certainly does have its place, disposable plastic water bottles have become a blight on the planet due to the levels of consumption of bottled water products.

The plastic in disposable water bottles, but where there is no deposit system such as we have in South Australia, the majority of the bottles wind up in landfill.

According to statistics from the International Bottled Water Association, in 2000 Americans consumed 4.7 billion gallons of bottled water, which represented less than 9 percent of total beverage consumption. By 2008 bottled water consumption increased to almost 8.7 billion gallons.

However, after the bad press bottled water received regarding plastic waste and water quality a couple of years back, an interesting thing took place.

In 2007, Americans were drinking on average 29.0 gallons of bottled water a year; a 5.3% increase on the previous year. In 2008, that had dropped to 28.5 gallons; a drop of 1.8% and the first drop in over a decade.

The International Bottled Water Association acknowledges that environmental concerns may have played a role in the drop.

People didn't stop drinking water, so what happened?

Refillable water bottles did.

Aside from the environmental benefits of using a refillable water bottle, I ran some quick calculations for my article " too cheap?" and found that the water we get from our taps here in Australia costs about USD 0.4 cents per gallon. I have only ever bought one bottle of water a few months back and that quart cost a few bucks!

With the addition of a home water filter, you can have water as good, if not better than many bottled water brands - as some of the bottled water brands pull their water directly from municipal supplies and at times don't even bother filtering it.

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11y ago

Bottled water is, for the most part, not needed. Municipal water supplies in most of the western world are as safe or safer than bottled water. The ads for carbon filtered or bottled water are not scientifically supportable.

On occasion contaminants beyond safe drinking water levels are present in the existing water supply due to malfunctions at the water treatment plants or through gross contamination of the drinking water supply. These problems may also exist in third world countries in these cases bottled water is an option.

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Is gold a reusable resource?

Yes it is a reusable resourse... There are tons and tons of gold!! We can use it all day long <3 love Gold

What kind of services are provided by the company called Use Enco?

Enco is a water company that provides quality water to all of its customers. Use Enco has reliable customer service and TAT, user-friendly and prelabled bottles, and Courier Service.

How can you improve the environment?

To improve the environment, you could Turn off lights in the room when you aren't in the room Bring reusable cloth bags to the grocery store Recycle Plant trees Use cold water ,so you don't burn that much oil for warm water Drive your cars less (you can carpool, walk, or bike to your location) Use both sides of the paper Throw away less waste Use energy saving light bulbs

What is the difference between direct and indirect water uses?

Indirect water use is when you are using water that you don't even realise you are using. Common examples are when water becomes unusable, e.g. through pollution, or even through a consumer having water sitting in bottles, but not using them - they become unusable over time. Also, indirect water use includes the fact that we purchase certain materials, the production of which uses water, e.g. steel and plastics. Even using electricity means indirect water use, as electricity production relies on water. Direct water use is when the actual consumer directly uses water, e.g. drinking, bathing, washing dishes or clothes, watering plants, washing cars, etc.

What are morsbags?

Morsbags are a reusable bag for shopping. They replace the use of plastic bags and are environmentally friendly. Owning just one morsbag can eliminate between 150-200 plastic bags a year.

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are reusable water bottles good for the environment?

You really should avoid reuse of plastic water bottles, due to the fact that they weren't constructed for long time use and might leech out material into the water. Instead, you should use a thermos or other item intended for long term use for your water needs.

Why you should use environmentally friendly water bottles?

A main reason you should use environmentally friendly water bottles because it can take up to 700 years for plastic to begin to decompose in a landfill. It is also a smart idea to use environmentally friendly, reusable water bottles to save yourself money. It's a lot cheaper to buy one reusable water bottle and refill it than to buy an individual plastic bottle each time you want a bottle of water.

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its the chemical in the plastic bottles., i forget what its called, but i'd just google it, and it would be a better idea to use a reusable bottle to save money, and be eco friendly

Why there shouldn't be plastic water bottles?

Plastic water bottles contribute to environmental pollution, take hundreds of years to decompose, and release harmful chemicals when they break down. By reducing the use of plastic water bottles, we can decrease plastic waste in landfills and oceans, and help protect the environment. Switching to reusable water bottles is a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice.

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Are plastic water bottles reusable?

you can re use them a few times but it is best to recycle them after a few uses because the plastic that they are made of release cancer causing toxins when they are left out in the sun to long.

What ways do people reducereuse and recycle?

They can use canvas shopping bags, or you can reuse your plastic water bottles instead of throwing them away, or you could also buy a reusable water bottle (like a stainless steel one) and just fill it up from your faucet instead of buying plastic water bottles! It also saves money

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Metal water bottles are considered to be more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bottles. It's because these are reusable and can last for a long time, reducing the need for single-use plastics that contribute to environmental pollution. Also, the production of metal bottles like contigo metal water bottle has a lower environmental impact compared to the manufacturing of plastic bottles. for more visit - destinationupfittersdotcom