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because Cack

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Q: Why shouldn't Kincaid's girl pick flowers in the story Girl?
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What changes when you start dating a girl?

you can't look at another girl while your with your girlfriend,(well you shouldnt)

Is it cute for a guy to get a girl he has a crush on flowers for Valentine's Day?

It is appropriate for a guy to give a girl flowers on Valentine's Day. Exceptions are if the girl is in a relationship, if she has allergies to flowers, or if she does not like flowers.

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dont be rasist with it i cant stress this enough. just be causal and based off of what she likes do it that way. for example if she is into romance then do it in a sweet romantic way with flowers and stuff. but her being asian shouldnt matter.

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"Flowers of May" is a story about resilience and the power of hope in the face of adversity. It follows the journey of a young girl named May who finds solace and strength in the beauty of flowers amidst the challenges she faces in her life. Through May's experiences, the story highlights the importance of finding moments of joy and beauty even in difficult times.

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"Flowers of May" by Francisco Arcellana is a short story set in the Philippines that explores themes of youth, beauty, and the passage of time. It follows a young girl named Adela who is admired for her innocence and beauty, but ultimately experiences a loss of these traits as she grows older, mirroring the wilting of flowers in May. The story reflects on the fleeting nature of youth and beauty, and the inevitability of change and loss.

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smh girl you shouldnt be liking 7th graders if your in 9th

In Jamaica Kincaids poem called Girl there is a quote mentioning Wharbfflies What are those?

Unless I am mistaken, it is a horrendously butchered spelling of "barflies". There are at least half a dozen typing errors in the poem, but that was by far the worst. The piece apparently wasn't proofread before publication.

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Benna Music is a type of Antiguan music that became popular after the prohibiton of slavery. It was a very nationalistic type of music, a type that the British probably did not enjoy hearing. Saying "don't sing Benna is Sunday school" refers to both the sexuality that is often involved in Benna music, and the colonizors keeping Antiguan tradition out of their traditional place: chruch

Would a girl prefer expensive flowers or a dinner for two at a restaurant?

i believe that a girl would prefer dinner at a restaurant. personally the flowers would be sweet in all but they don't necessarily have to be expensive, you could go out and pick her flowers and then tell her the story of what you went through to get them. the dinner would be a memory not easily forgotten because everytime she saw the place she would think of the date that you two went on, now flowers on the other hand will eventually whither away.

Should you send flowers to the girl you likes house?

Screw sending it to the girl you like if she is single i would go to her and hand her flowers personally

When was The Story Girl created?

The Story Girl was created in 1911.

When was A Girl's Story created?

A Girl's Story was created in 1977.