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Q: Why shouldn't people be able to vote for leaders?
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Are citizens able to vote for their leaders in the UK?

No... citizens can vote for their local councilors or members of parliament - but the party leaders are voted in by the party members.

How are leaders chosen for governments?

people vote.

How are leaders in US selected?

the people vote for their leader

How does Jamaican people pick their leaders?

They vote for their leader,as a group!

Why do you have to vote?

You do not HAVE to vote, in America, you may choose to vote, for it is one of man's common rights. we fought to achieve independence, and to be able to pick our leaders, not have whatever crazy so called "royal" idiot tumbles out the throne. But as Many of us say here, if you are able to vote, but you don't, you have no right to complain about who wins. In addition to voting for leaders, you vote for laws, what you think of them and if you think its something that needs to be done. the American government cares about its people, and wonders what they think of the laws and clauses passed, so there is always a vote for the laws.

In a totalitarian form of government the leaders are elected but the people can vote for only one party in this case the power is?

centered in the leaders and not in the people.

How does the us use Romes ideas?

people had the power to vote for leaders

How are leaders chosen in chad?

people vote just like in the u.s.

Why do people fight for vote?

It is a right to be able to vote and it is your say in the government.

How were Scotland's leaders chosen?

They voted a few people then they elected one after the vote

Why Pakistan consider as a non democratic country?

The people don't vote for their leaders.

What kind of distribution map will indicate where people can and cannot vote for their leaders?

Political system distribution