

Why slavery is wrong and must be abolished in Britain?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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It is wrong because humans were being demeaned and were treated as if they were a shovel or a hammer. However, slavery did improve the workforce. At first British Parliament ended the slave trade in its empire in 1807, however slavery itself remained legal and barely touched -- that is, until 1833 when the British Empire passed the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.

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Q: Why slavery is wrong and must be abolished in Britain?
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Some reasons slavery should be abolished?

It is cruel, unfair, and degrading to enslave another human being. As Abraham Lincoln once commented in a private letter, if slavery isn't wrong, then nothing is wrong. If you believe that it is within your rights to deprive another human being of any self determination and treat him or her as a domestic animal, belonging to you, then you would be hypocritical to claim any human rights for yourself, either. Either people have rights or they don't. And if people have rights, they must not be enslaved.

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When did the slaves in Britain start to rebel?

They did not. Slavery did exist in the UK, it was neither recognised, nor prohibited by law. The slaves worked as 'personal servants' to individuals, rather than in large groups as field workers, as in the colonies. While some slaves must have rebelled against this, there was no wide-scale revolt, the slaves were all widely separated, and vastly outnumbered. Slavery was eventually abolished in the UK, after a legal precedent was set that since slavery it was not recognised by law, and a person could not legally agree to become a slave, that an attempt to exercise such authority over some was in fact false imprisonment or assault.

Why slavery was abolished.?

Answer 1Slavery has not been abolished, meaning ended. Most countries have made it illegal.In the 1800s, those areas with slavery (or the semblance of it) were becoming more and more liberal, in line with the changing of the world at the time. Because of the rise in education and political awareness as well as the growing realization that people of different color or ethnicity were just as human as anyone else - in several countries, this was also due to what was best said in the words of Alexander II of Russia, paraphrased as "we must abolish it from the top down before it removes itself from the bottom up".Thus, slavery was abolished in many areas. This was formalized in 1948 with Article 4 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and almost every country in the world has made slavery illegal in accordance with it.Answer 2Why a certain country abolished slavery depends entirely on the country in question. However, it was usually based on one or both of the following factors:(1) The country recognized slavery's moral incorrectness(2) The country faced economic or political consequences in the international community if it did not abolish slavery, especially when key trading partners or allies had already emancipated their slaves.

How do you think the Africans felt when they were brought to Virginia?

The British colony of Jamestown was founded in 1607. Some twenty or so years later a Portuguese ship with African slaves came to Jamestown and sold the Africans into slavery. Most slaves had to feel dehumanized by being slaves and if they had been sold into slavery by African chiefs or Arabic slave traders they must have felt betrayed. Slavery in the Western Hemisphere was finally abolished by Brazil late in the 19th century.

Why should slaves be counted as apart of the population when determining how many representatives a state gets and when figuring how much tax the state must pay to the national government?

yes, because they are people and they want to vote on what they believe is right, so they should be counted when they vote for people to run over them. == I hate to be the one to bring you into the 21st century but slavery was abolished in the U.S. some time ago. It's abolition was primarily due to a man named Abraham Lincoln who you may or may not have heard of. Before he did this, there was a small controversy that erupted about it which is known as "The Civil War." Chattel slavery was abolished in the U.S., but debt slavery, sex slavery, and forced labor are still around. Just ask someone who has had their credit card interest jacked up to 25%, or a child prostitute, or an illegal alien.

Why must you oppose slavery?

you dont have to oppose it but its wrong because no human should be able to own another We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal this includes all races and genders.

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Wrong. You must say, "the scissors are on the table"

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