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Sodium Thiosulphate was originally called Hyposulphite of Soda and Hypo is simply the short form of this common name with is still in use.

The origin of this term is uncertain; these are just deductions.

Hypo is the Greek word for 'under' and if you take a look at the structure of sodium hyposulphate you will note that the sulphite ion (SO3-2) is bonded to a sulphur atom ( as in replacing an oxygen atom of SO4-2 with a sulphur atom- thiosuphate). For purpose of symmetry, the structure of thiosulphate is drawn with the sulphur on top and the sulphite 'under' the sulphur. Hence the term hypo.

It has applications in photographic processing and so does sodium carbonate (called washing soda), hence the term soda.

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Q: Why sodium thiosulfate is known as hypo?
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