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Q: Why some citizens may not supports government policies?
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What is the definition of government policy?

Government policies are rules and regulations which are some preestablished by the constitution, but many have been instated over the years. You may call them laws. These policies might apply to government workers of any level, or citizens. A government could be as small as a town or township, city, state, or an entire country.

Why is church and government separated?

In some countries, church aka religion is part of government policies and in some countries a particular religion is called the "official religion" of these nations. In Western nations, religion normally plays no role in government practices and policies. In the United States Constitution, the first amendment states that the government cannot establish an "official" religion, nor interfere with the practice of different religions among its citizens. There is a good reason for the amendment to forbid government interference in religion, it prevents government from denying citizens part of their freedoms.

What are some good healthcare policies?

They make different options for senior citizens to obtain healthcare insurance. This is called Medicare. You can sign up on the government website for Medicare.

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Not as much as some citizens would like!

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What is true about all government policies?

They infringe upon the rights of some groups

How much power do the citizens of Mexico have to change the government?

not much but they do have some say

What are five purpose of government?

The government has various purposes with some of the most important listed below. 1. Provide security for citizens. 2. Provide important services to citizens. 3. Seek investors and foreign markets for its citizens. 4. Enforce Law and Order. 5. Uphold the rights of its citizens.

The government uses religious laws to rule the citizens in some countries.?

It is a theocracy: a government based upon a deity and religion

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What does the term government mean?

An institute created by society to create and enforce public policies.