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Q: Why some parts of the surfers get more sunlight like the equator than other regions?
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Why is air along the equator warmer than in other areas north and south of the equator?

it is warmer because the equator gets direct sunlight. other place like the north and the south don't get as much direct sunlight. the equator also get very little to no wind.

Does the equator give off heat?

The equator itself does not give off heat. However, because the equator receives more direct sunlight than other parts of the Earth, it tends to be warmer due to the sun's energy.

Do people near the Equator get more sunlight than people from other places?


Why are the tropics the earths warmest regions?

They receive more direct sunlight than the other parts of the globe.

Do areas near the equator heat up more or less than other regions?

6th Graders QuestionsSimple Answer: The areas near the equator heat up more than other regions because Sun's rays strike Earth at a higher angle near the equator than the North Pole, South Pole, and other more regions.By: Rocio Rodriguez, 6th grader.

Which plant receives the most sunlight?

Those plants nearest the equator will receive the most sunlight - plants which are able to grow the tallest and be free from the shade of other plants.

What do areas near the equator have?

A higher intensity of sunlight per unit area than other parts of the Earth.

Why the countries near the equator get warmer temperatures?

because thy're in direct sunlight and are faacing the sun more than the other couhtries which are further away from the equator (an imaginary line!!!) =)

Where is the sunlight more direct?

Direct sunlight, that is the incidence of sunlight on a geographical area, varies with the time of year. Because of the relative tilt of the earth, about 23 degrees, when it is summer in one hemisphere, north or south, it is the opposite season in the other. The sun appears no more than 23 degrees north or south of the equator. These limits are known as the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. The areas within these limits receive the most direct sunlight, the central area is the equator. Therefore, on average, the equator receives the most direct sunlight

What is the reasons behind the seasonal pattern?

the earth's motion as it moves around the sun,and the tilt of its axis cause some important effects on the earth's temperature.the regions on the planet experience seasons which are patterns of temperature changes and other weather trends over the course of the the equator,the temperature remains almost the same for the whole year.however,large changes happen near the equator due to the varying amount of sunlight for each location during the discussed earlier,the different amount of sunlight is due to the tilted axis of the earth.

Why some seas are hot and the others are cold?

Some seas are around the equator which allows then to heat up because they are getting direct sunlight. Other seas are closer to the poles, so they do not get direct sunlight very much and are colder.

Why are the polar regions called 'the land of the midnight sun'?

The arctic and antarctic regions of the world are tilted much more than the middle regions. Thus, when the earth travels around the sun, they receive either much more sunlight or much less sunlight than other parts. This means that sometimes the sun never leaves the sky or sometimes never comes up.