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Q: Why somebody are willingly or forced to do something for you?
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What are 3 reasons for somebody willingly or forced to do something for you?

They're getting paid, they like you, or they're bored.

What is service?

Services offered to you as a saver at a particular financial institution.

How were slaves isolated?

somebody who is kept against their will, forced to work for no pay at all. somebody who is kept against their will, forced to work for no pay at all. somebody who is kept against their will, forced to work for no pay at all. somebody who is gay.

Why were the Phoenicians forced to become skilled traders?

They were not forced - they fould it was a great source of revenue and prosperity, and engaged in it very willingly for that reason.

Was Reggie Bush forced to forfeit the Heisman Trophy or is he doing it willingly?

Computer says no.

Is it funny when somebody is forced to give somebody else room service?

not to the person whos been forced to do it because that would drive him or her pain

What is the defini tion of voluntary?

Voluntary means done, given, or acting of one's own free will without being compelled or required to do so. It is something that is done willingly and without being forced.

Can somebody be forced to live in smoker house?

Nobody can and may be forced to do anything against their will.

How can you makeover a friend which is a boy while he is awake and how will you keep him still and stop him talking?

well, it depends on if it is a forced makeover. if its forced, then tie him up to a chair titely and stick something like a sock in his mouth and tape the mouth shut but, if he will do it willingly, then ask him to sit still Hope this helps

What is a merchant drafts?

# Somebody who sells something. # Somebody who sells something.

How do you say dar uma olhadinha?

Glancing quickly at something or somebody; To look quickly (at something or somebody) To see something or somebody at a glance.

In the written version of The Tempest how are Ariel and Caliban different?

Ariel is willingly obedient, while Caliban is forced into obedience.