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It is eukariyotic Photosynthetic Found in water Do not have an embryo in life cycle

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Q: Why spirogyra is included in algae?
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Are spirogyra multicellular or colonial algae?

Spirogyra is a type of colonial green algae. They are unicellular and arrange themselves in long filaments.

What is the species of spirogyra?

it's a algae

What protists are plantlike?

Unicellular Algae such as Spirogyra, Euglena, Diatoms.

What plants are nonvasculer plants?

Plants belonging to Algae, fungi, bryophytes are all included among non-vascular plants, such as Spirogyra, Mucor, Ricciaetc.

Is spirogyra an example of a single celled alga?

No. Spirogyra is a Jazz Band. Spirulina is a single celled algae.

What kind of living organisms are classified under algae?


How does spirogyra gets its name?

spiral arrangement of chloroplasts in these algae

What color is spirogyra?

I am pretty sure the color of a spirogyra is green, it is classified as a green algae and I remember it from AP Bio class.

Are spirogyra decomposers?

Spirogyra are decomposers which breakdown dead organic matter. This is green algae which used conjugation as the method of reproduction.

What are the arrangement of the chloroplasts in spirogyra?

Spirogyra is a type of green algae, named for the spiral arrangement of the chloroplasts. The arrangement of the chloroplasts are helical or spiral.

What is the movement of the spirogyra?

Spirogyra is an algae that is found in slow moving rivers and ponds. Spirogyra does not have any ability to move on it's own, and only moves as the water moves.

What are examples of an algae?

There are many kinds of algae-Green algae like Chlorella, Desmids, Spirogyra, etc.Brown algae like Laminaria and Fucus.Red algae include Chondrus and Diatoms.