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Q: Why take Prednisone if you body produces cortisol?
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Is it fine to take Prednisone with Gatorade?

Prednisone is a very strong drug, with many side effects. Prednisone must be taken with care, and only as directed by your Dr. Gatorade is a simple solution that replaces the electrolytes lost by the body, Gatorade does not react with drugs, and can be considered as safe as water.

Can you take Prednisone with orange juice?

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Should Prednisone you take Prednisone on a empty stomach?


How do you wean yourself off of prednisone?

If you have been prescribed Prednisone you will need to see the doctor to know if and when you can be off the medication. When it was prescribed to you, it was for a certain amount of time to accomplish its goal.

Can you take a probiotic if on Prednisone?

yes my endocanologist said it was ok to take yogart or probiotics with prednisone

Can you take prednisone and thyroid medication together?

n 15mg prednisone

Why is Prednisone prescribed as to be taken before 9 am?

Your body makes its own while you are sleep, however there is not enough made while you are awake to take care of the inflammation as well as the fact that your system reduces the amount it produces depending on the dose you are on. This is a fairly rough explanation.

Can you take Valium while taking prednisone for COPD?

can you take prednisone with valium? If so any any precautions?

Can you take suboxone AND Prednisone?

Yes. There are no known drug interactions when taking suboxone with prednisone.

What is ic Prednisone used to treat?

I use prednisone eye drops for sarcoidosis in my eye