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The Reds were helping the Viet Minh, the US would help the French-two can play that game!

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Fear of Ho Chi Meh and his communist party spreading to other parts of Southern Asia

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Q: Why did Truman and Eisenhower support the french in Vietnam?
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According to the domino theory why did president Dwight d Eisenhower continue Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower continued Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam because he believed in the domino theory. The domino theory suggested that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also follow. To prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, Eisenhower believed it was necessary to support the French in their fight against the communist-led Viet Minh.

What was the action of Truman?

He supported the French efforts to reestablish their colony in Vietnam.

Why did President Truman support the French agaisnt the Vietnamese after 1950?

This time frame was the start of the Cold War and the birth of the Dominoe Theory. Truman provided financial support in the amount of about 45 million dollars. Genuine support of the Vietnam war began in the Eisenhower administration when arms, advisers and Air America was given to the French and to the South Vietnamese Government.

What Us president who sent the first advisers to south Vietnam?

Eisenhower. However, Truman no doubt had US personnel present with the French during their war there; as they were receiving US equipment (M24 Chaffee tanks, and WWII Bearcat fighters, etc.). But then again, SOUTH Vietnam did not exist during the French war.

US president who presided over Vietnam war?

Truman was president when military aid was given to the French in 1950. Eisenhower followed by Kennedy then Johnson Nixon was president when the USA was finally defeated.

Why did the US support the cancellation of Vietnam's unifying elections?

During his term, Eisenhower will greatly increase U.S. military aid to the French in Vietnam to prevent a Communist victory. Or the US feared that Vietnam would vote for a communist government

Why did eisenhower support sending arms to french forces in Vietnam?

he thought that it would lead to the end of the war eralier

Who sent the first troops into Vietnam?

Dwight Eisenhower sent the first advisers to Vietnam. John F Kennedy sent the first US Green Berets to Vietnam. We could've not have to worry about the Vietnam but the US signed a document saying that the US will help with war with communism without hesitation.

Which president decided to support french reoccupation of Vietnam?

President Truman supported the French re-occupation of Indo-China. He also provided American ships for the purpose. As a result General Douglas MacArthur threatened to resign. Truman was forced to dispatch General George Marshall to Japan to prevent the resignation. This was the beginning of the Truman MacArthur rift.

Why did President Eisenhower authorize American Advisers?

The communists had been supporting the Viet Minh (based in North Vietnam) against the French. We had to support the south against the northern supported communists.

What support did the US give to the French during 1945-1954?

In the French effort to regain their Colony of French Indochina after WWII, the Truman administration provided gave arms and financial support to France. The Eisenhower Administration continued this policy and also gave them intelligence support and the full use of the CIA's Air America assets and military advisers to assist in training military forces.

Why did Eisenhower put the United States on a path to the Vietnam War?

Eisenhower had just finished with the Korean War in 1953, and the U.S. had materially supported the French in the Pacific theater. (Viet Nam was once a French colony.) The French were having difficulty in Viet Nam because their enemy, the Viet Minh, were being supported by the Chinese Communists. When the French withdrew in 1954, Eisenhower's administration supported the free Republic of South Vietnam, while the Communists supported the North. He then sent U.S. advisers to South Vietnam in 1955.