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Use the help: this function clears the screen.

Note: non-standard Borland-specific function, don't use.

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Q: Why the clrscr is used after declaration?
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What is the meaning of conio in C?

Hi, Conio.h is a header file which have functions declaration. One of them is clrscr() function. This function have its prototype in conio.h. clrscr() function is used to clear the screen. Thus, whenever u called clrscr() function u r required to define conio.h header file in your program.... Similarly there are many functions in conio.h.... Hope it will help u....

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Many reasons, one of them: there is no 'clrscr' in Java.

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'Clearscreen' is not used in C language. TurboC has a clrscr function (prototype in conio.h).

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What do you mean by \'alternate function of clrscr\'? A function that undoes clrscr? Or one that fills the screen with random characters? Anyway, clrscr is not part of the standard C library, it is DOS-specific.

What does clrscr return?

clrscr-clear screen its give you direct space to work. without waiting

Why you are using clrscr in c language?

Function 'clrscr' is not part of the C language. Or the standard libraries. It is MS-DOS specific function, use the help for details (clrscr means clear the screen).

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