

Why the costs of a particular media are hard to pinpoint?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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It is difficult to determine the cost of a particular media because not only the media cost depends on hardware that exist in its network, but it also depends on size in the area and labor as well. There are many variables and the best can flucatate on the person who needs it the most. Question they would need to ask themselves " are you willing to pay for a technican to fix it or can you do it yourself?. What type of wiring you are using? Will it be easily integrated with the existing media or will it become absolute as soon as you put it in? In my opinion, if you don't know what you are doing in networking then you should always consult an expert opinion.It is a possiblitiy that it could cost alot at first but the total cost in the long run for mistakes could be greater.

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