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The Crusades were marked by violence, greed, and political agendas, rather than solely religious motivations. They resulted in widespread atrocities, including the massacre of innocent civilians. Furthermore, the actions of Crusaders often contradicted fundamental Christian principles of peace and love.

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Q: Why the crusades should not be considered a holy war?
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What were christains promised if they joined the crusades?

Christians participating in the Crusades were promised spiritual salvation by the Church. They were told that by fighting in the Crusades, they would be granted forgiveness for their sins and a place in heaven, as the Church viewed the Crusades as a holy war to reclaim holy lands from Muslim control.

What were the reasons the peasants fight in the crusades?

Peasants fought in the Crusades for various reasons, including religious fervor, the promise of indulgences and rewards in the afterlife, and the hope of improving their social and economic status. Additionally, some peasants saw the Crusades as an opportunity to escape the harsh conditions of feudal life and gain land and wealth in the Holy Land.

What series of religious war between Christians and Muslims over Palestine?

The series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land, known as the Crusades, occurred between the 11th and 13th centuries. The main goal of the Crusades was to secure Jerusalem and other holy sites in Palestine. The conflicts resulted in a mix of military victories and defeats for both sides.

What were the short term effects of the crusades?

Short term effects of the Crusades included increased trade between East and West, the spread of cultural and technological advancements, and the emergence of new military tactics and strategies. Additionally, the Crusades led to the rise of powerful monarchies and the weakening of feudalism in Europe.

Why did peasants want to go on the crusades?

Peasants were often seeking adventure, hoping to gain wealth and land, or seeking forgiveness for sins through service to the Church. Additionally, some peasants were promised salvation and redemption in return for their service on the crusades.

Related questions

What was the purpose of crusades in the middle ages?

Crusades occurred mostly to regain the Holy Lands - The Kingdom of Jerusalem from the muslims.

Who were the Crusades for?

The crusades were a holy war made by the christians and the Muslims who were fighting over Jerusalem

Why didn't the crusades go to war?

... They did. Crusade means Holy War....

What started the holy war of the holy crusades?

The United States most recently. The first of the ten crusades was started by order of the Pope.

Could the Crusades Be Considered a Christian Holy War?

Yes the crusadeswere always considered as holy wars fought for the holy land.Answer:Yes, they can and are considered by some as "Christian Holy Wars."Some consider them to be "Muslim Holy Wars."Others consider them as an "abominable waste of humanity."The world will have to wait for Judgment Day to see whether or not they are considered by God to have been "holy" at all.

What does wars for the cross mean?

There are many Crusades but they all mean the same thing... The Crusades or "Holy War".

Why were three reslts of the crusades?

I can only think about one.. and this is... the crusades is a holy war fought between the Christians and the Muslisms for Jerualem.

What were the effects of the crusades?

A mass migration to the holy lands. A never ending war.

What were the short terms of the crusades?

Muslims belived that if you died in a holy war you go to heaven.

What is the series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims?

Yes the Crusades, you know that war in which the Christians tried to take the holy land.

The crusades were a holy war launched by who against the Muslim Turks?

Its actually the Europeans since they affected them.

Who was the person that called for Europe to begin in holy war?

If you mean The Crusades then it was Pope Urban III