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Q: Why the dominant color of the flame of a properly adjusted burner is blue?
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Why the dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner blue?

The dominant color of a nonluminous flame on a Bunsen burner is blue. Whereas, the dominant color of a luminous flame on a Bunsen burner is orange.

What the dominate color of aproperly adjusted falme for Bunsen burner?

A properly adjusted flame on a bunsen burner would have a flame that is blue. It would also appear that there is a lighter blue flame in the center, usually referred to as an inner blue cone, the hottest part of the flame.

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The statement, "In fruit flies, gray body color is dominant over black body color" is true. The allele for gray body color is dominant.

What is the dominant color of a luminous flame in a Bunsen Burner?

the orange flame (when the oxygen wholes are closed it makes an orange flame) because when it is on the blue flame (when the oxygen wholes are open) it is very hard to see and almost invisible

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Gene responsible for purple color is dominant over white color.

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The wild rabbit agoutti coat is dominant.

What is the dominant color used in monet's painting wisteria?

Violet is the dominant color used in the painting Wisteria. Monet chose to use the actual color of the flowers as the back ground color in order to create a dominant effect.

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What color will the kittens be if the female is calico and the male is black?

it all depends on the dominant genes. If the female is dominant then her color with some of the male, and visa versa.

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black color in hair is a dominant trait. same goes for brown eyes. blonde hair a blue eyes color is the opposite.

Is yellow the hottest color on a Bunsen burner?

no, the blue flame is hottest