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Because when they are kept in the fridge, fruits such as apples will lose water, and their sugar will crystalise, causing themselves to become sweeter.

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Q: Why the fruits become sweeter when kept in a refrigerator?
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You can control the temperature in your refrigerator. Generally the refrigerator is kept at 4 C .

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Bacteria prefers warmer surfaces and substances than it prefers colder things. Therefore that is why food is kept in the refrigerator. Hope this helps!

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Yes, as long as it is kept in cool dry place, it will be fine.

Who discovered that microorganisms can spoil food?

In many circumstances foods that should be refrigerated, such as fresh fruits, will tend to "spoil" . Warm temperatures allow bacterias and microorganisms to breed in these foods. It's important to make sure that fruits and vegetables too, be kept in the refrigerator.

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Water can be kept indefinitely in the refrigerator. The darkness will prevent algae growth, and the cold will inhibit mold. If not kept in a tightly sealed container, it can evaporate with time.

How long is Cheesecake good to eat after making and storing in the refrigerator?

If kept in refrigerator,Normaly about 2-3 days.