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Q: Why the indicator cresol red change colour when the PH is lower than 10 to6.And what colours would be observed at PH 10 8 and 6?
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What is the only sure sign of a chemical change?

Chemical change would cause change in physical quality or thermal value, the most observable quality is colour. It may observed a colour change of reaction but not all reaction had observable change of colour. In that case it will need to add indicator to observe a chemical change. Type of indicator may be different base on the concerned reaction. Indicator chosen may be the type that change colour due to pH or the type that react with contents of product to change colour.

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The colour will change into grey.

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What is an 'indicator reaction'?

---- indicators are substances which change their colour when treated with acidic or basic solutions this reaction of changing their colour is known as indicator reaction ---- ----

If you add alkali to water what colour would the water be?

Alkalis are bases dissolved in water. They do not have specific colours and are often colourless liquids.Indicators are used to determine the strength of an acid or alkali and change colour when exposed to the liquid.Look at Universal Indicator Solution.

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A change in color of an indicator is a sign of that?

A colour change in a chemical indicator implies that a distinguishable chemical property has been changed in the given system.

What is the color of turmeric indicator if the sustance is basic?

it will change to red colour

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What changes color at the endpoint of titration?

change in pH, changes the colour (of the indicator)