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cause they can only choose one small letters or big letters so they choose big

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Q: Why the letters on a keyboard are not small letters?
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How do you put in small letters for a code if your code keyboard doesn't show small letters only capital?

... Press capslock?

The typical keyboard is called a?

qwerty keyboard because these letters are the first 5 letters on the keyboard

How can you change small letters to capital letter in Microsoft word?

There are various options of changing small letters to capital letters in Microsoft Word. You can use the task bar to change to upper case or press shift and f3 on your computer keyboard.

Who picked where the letters go on the keyboard?

Edward Keyboard

What is alphabetical keyboard?

A keyboard where the letters are in alphabetical order.

Why is a keyboard called a QWERTY keyboard?

It is called that because the first six letters on a standard keyboard are the letters Q, W, E, R, T, and Y.

How many letters does the English keyboard have?

The English keyboard has 26 letters.

Where is the keyboard menu?

Part of keyboard with letters and numbers etc

How do you type words on a computer keyboard?

Press the letters on the keyboard.

What are the Hollyoaks on keyboard letters?

The Hollyoaks on keyboard letters are CDEFG A F(hold) FED CC C EFGED.

Why do we need to know the keyboard?

so we know the letters on the keyboard and memorize them.

What is used for a keyboard?

Typing letters.