

Why the monsoon winds develop?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why the monsoon winds develop?
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Does Florida have monsoon winds?

Florida does not have monsoon winds. Monsoon winds and rainy seasons only occur in south east Asia. The winds are very strong and the rain is heavy.

What are the winds that blow in India called?

The winds that blow in India are called the monsoon winds. These winds bring the seasonal rains to different parts of the country, influencing agriculture and climate patterns. There are two main monsoon winds: the southwest monsoon and the northeast monsoon.

What are Asias seasonal winds called?

Monsoon winds

Are monsoon winds the strongest winds?

No. A monsoon has more to do with rain than with wind. A monsoon is a seasonal weather pattern found in some tropical areas in which most of the rainfall occurs in one season. Monsoon rains can be torrential, but are not necessarily accompanied by strong winds. The fastest winds on earth occur in tornadoes.

What are the kinds of winds system?

1.)Trade Winds Northeast Monsoon Oct.-Feb. Southwest Monsoon June-Sept.

Are monsoon planetary winds?

planetary winds also include monsoon which blows in the month of june-july in is the season of rain brought in from the winds all around the planet.

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What are the two different monsoon seasons?

The southeast and northeast winds

What winds blow across Southeast Asia and China?

southeast monsoon

What is the effects of summer monsoon winds?


What are seasonal shift in the winds of Asia?


How the warming of the earth by the sun causes monsoon winds?

The warming of the earth by the sun causes monsoon winds, it affects the area and cause the wind to be blown