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It does not produce its own light source but is refleting rays from the sun

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Q: Why the moon consider as a non luminous object even it is seen in the dark?
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Why do luminous object glow in the dark only?

They glow even during day but the intensity of its light is negligibly small compared to that of sun.So it appears that it does not glow

Does an luminous object cast a shadow?

because there is no light for it to reflect off

Is an eye luminous?

No. Eyes are not luminous. They observe or perceive light but they do not emit light. Luminous means "emit light." There are various species of animals, such as deer, cats, and dogs, whose eyes have the ability to reflect light which sometimes make them appear to glow in the dark as they reflect a flashlight, headlight, or other light that is shining in their direction. But even then, the eyes do not produce their own light so they are not luminous.

What are luminous and non luminous materials?

Luminous means "giving off light", or glows in the dark (since luminosity is detected by the eyes, it usually refers to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum). Many materials emit a wide range of radiation other than visible light, which is why some radioactive materials were used as glow in the dark paints, and why the Curies focused on a particular radioactive isotope (because it glowed in the dark). Some materials can even store energy from visible light and emit it later, which is why some of my luminous objects have to be "charged" by a light bulb or the sun. Some chemical combinations can emit light for a while, such as the stuff in lightning bugs, which we can replicate in production lines to make glow sticks. Non luminous materials do not emit light that we can see. Most elements that are not radioactive fall into this category.

Is a glow worm luminous?

Here is a very singular thing: the Glow-worm's eggs are luminous even when still contained in the mother's womb.

What type of object pollute water?

Oil can pollute the water (you might not consider that an object) and when people throw trash in rivers or ocean or even lakes the water can be polluted.

How do planets shine even if they are not luminous bodies?

They don't. They reflect light from the sun.

Luminous orange posts near fields are what?

Luminous orange posts near fields mark the location of water. This makes it easy for farmers to find the irrigation valves even when plants are growing.

What are some sources for baryonic dark matter?

I presume you mean, "What might baryonic dark matter consist of?" It MIGHT be non-luminous gas, MACHOs (a cute acronym), condensed matter like black holes & white dwarfs, and brown dwarfs. The measured ratio of hydrogen to deuterium to helium in our Universe precludes the possibility that a large proportion of dark matter could be baryonic. The proportion could even be negligible.

Why did the sun turn black?

Our Sun has been highly luminous for billions of years. It would be very difficult to halt the energy-producing processes in the core and make it "turn black". Even after the fuel is exhausted, our Sun won't become a black hole because it lacks the mass - likely after a red giant stage it will eventually shrink to a white dwarf and remain luminous in that state for a very long time indeed before going dark.

An object appears blue when seen in white light What colour will appear in Red light?

The simple answer is black. However, this is true only if the colour of said object is pure blue; If it has even the slightest tinge of red in it, you will see a very dark shade of red.

What is a hurcrux?

Its a object where a wizard conceals a part of his soul. The part of their soul that they put away stays alive even if the body is destroyed. Its considered dark magic and it violates the laws of nature.