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Oil is not as dense as water. So, even when they are mixed, the water molecules can still slide down in between the oil molecules, thereby causing the oil molecules to form a layer on the surface of the water.

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Q: Why the oil stays on the surface if you mixed in water?
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What happens if oil and water are mixed together without an emulsifier?

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Due to the property of surface tension water surface would act as a stretched membrane. So water skaters, mosquitoes could easily walk on the surface. If oil is mixed with water then surface tension would fall and mosquito cannot breed. That is why we sprinkle oil in fine droplets on stagnant water

Why only mono-molecular layer of oil formed on water?

This is because the oil and water want to interact as little with eachother as possible since the waters intramolecular forces are much stronger than an oil's. By forming a mono layer the surface area of the oil and water molecules are minimized as opposed to being mixed and having much higher surface area contact.

Why does water go straight to bottom when mixed with oil?

Water is heavier than oil. Oil floats on water.

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The oil will rise to the top and float on the water.

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because the water has more density than the oil so the oil spreads only on the surface.

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Not a lot, water and oil don't mix and so the oil will float on top of the water.

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Water mixed with oil? Oil mixed with water? White smoke out of tailpipe? Lack of compression on 2 adjacient cylinders?

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Why does the oil remain on the surface of the water in the puddle?

the oil is denser