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The hydroxyl group is the common denomination for a molecule consisting of an oxygen and a hydrogen atom connected by a covalent bond, in other words a O-H, where the oxygen atom has two or three (in case its an hydroxide anion) pair of free electrons, which can attack another atom with a deficiency of electrons and make a bond (acting like a nucleophile) or the same thing but attacking a proton H+ (atom with deficiency of electrons) acting in this case as a base. In both cases it acts as a nucleophile but when it attacks a proton or a molecule with a proton (like an acid) acts specifically as a base. I hope I could answer your question.

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Q: Why the oxygen of a hydroxyl group act as a nucleophile or a base?
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What is the following of a base?

A base contain the hydroxyl group (OH)-.

What is a definition of a base?

A base contain the group hydroxyl: -OH.

What comes from an alcohol that is not a base but has a hydroxyl group?

Basically Alcohols have Hydroxyl group but they are not bases, they have acidic character (fairly weak). The Hydroxyl group here is connected with the alkyl group (say -CH3, -C2H5 etc...) which has electron releasing ability (+ive inductive effect) thus stabilizes the oxygen atom to the good extent. Moreover due to the high electro-negativity of oxygen the Hydrogen attach with the oxygen of hydroxy group departs as proton, thus categorizes the alcohols in the list of acids not bases.

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In acidic hydrolysis of amides, the amide bond is cleaved by protonation of the carbonyl oxygen, forming a carboxylic acid and an amine. In basic hydrolysis of amides, the amide bond is cleaved by nucleophilic attack of hydroxide ion on the carbonyl carbon, forming a carboxylate anion and an amine.

How do hydroxyl ions form?

A hydroxyl ion is a component of a base.

Explain why the carbonyl oxygen in the acid-base protonation reaction of acetic acid preferentially gets protonated over the hydroxyl group in the acetic acid?

The carbonyl oxygen is more acidic than the hydroxyl group in acetic acid because the carbonyl oxygen is part of a more stable conjugate base. The resulting carboxylate anion is resonance stabilized due to delocalization of the negative charge over the two oxygen atoms. This makes it easier for the carbonyl oxygen to accept a proton.

What donates hydroxyl ions?

Dissociation of a base produce hydroxyl ions.

How is the structure of glycogen similar to the structure of starch?

The hydroxyl group (-OH) is attached to carbon 1 below the pentose base.

What is OH in chemistry?

OH- (note the negative charge) is the hydroxide ion. This ion consists of a deprotonated water molecule; it acts as a base. OH (typically denoted ROH) can also denote a hydroxyl group, which is a common functional group in organic chemistry. For example MeOH is methanol, CH3OH.

Is OH negative a acid or base?

OH- is a base because it can accept a proton (H+) to form water. It is the conjugate base of the strong base hydroxide ion.

What does a base produce when in solution?

A hydroxyl ion

What is a substance that releases hydroxyl ions in a water?

A substance that releases hydroxyl ions in water is a base. Bases are substances which in water, becomes slippery, has a bitter taste, changes indicator color, forms salts with acids and promotes base catalysis. Alkaline earth materials is an example of a base.