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becuse adams and jefferson where against each other

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Q: Why the president and vice president are both from the same parties today?
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Why do you think the president and vice president are both from from the same party today?

They always have been from the same party. The political parties nominate a ticket to run together. It makes it easier to make decisions and to carry out functions of government when they come from the same party.

Why are the president and vice president from both the same party today?

becuse adams and jefferson where against each other

Why are the president and vice president are both from the same party today?

becuse adams and jefferson where against each other

Can there be a democrat elected for president and a republican as vice or do the parties have to be the same?

I don't think the parties have to be the same, but they usually are because the president wants a vice that will support him or her.

Why are the president and vice president both from the same pardy today?

Because if the President and the VP were of differentparties, they would always have conflicting views. Being in the same party, they will agree more.

What amendment would allow president and vice president from 2 different political parties?

There is no such Ammendment and would almost never happen in today's politics as you would want someone to be on the "same page" if you were unable to fulfill the duties as president

Witch political party was in 1998?

Democratic and Republican

Why do you think the president and vice president are both from the same party today.?

They run as a team and are both elected by the same electors who have pledged to support their candidacy. The only way they could not be from the same party would be if no candidate received a majority of the electoral vote so the House of Representatives chose the President and the Senate chose the Vice-President.

Why do you think the president and vice president both from the same party today?

They run as a team and are both elected by the same electors who have pledged to support their candidacy. The only way they could not be from the same party would be if no candidate received a majority of the electoral vote so the House of Representatives chose the President and the Senate chose the Vice-President.

Do both parties have the same number of delegates to their conventions?


Do racists vote Republican?

No, theres rackets in both parties unfortunately. cuz I am not racist and I'm a republican. There probably about the same amount in both parties.

Who would become president in the case of the president and the vice president both being killed at the same time?

If both of them are killed at the same time then speaker of the house becomes president