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It means you put the the thermometer under the tonge so it can take you tempoture or if you don't like putting it under your tongue put it up your butt like they do with babies

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Q: Why the thremometer is keep under the tongue?
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Why do the doctors keep the thermometer under the tongue?

There are a net of blood vessels close to the surface under the tongue and this gives a true reading of the temperature of the blood (and hence the body).

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If you're missing one of the balls, put the ring in so that the only ball is under your tongue. This will keep it from being pushed out.

Why do you keep thermometer under the tongue?

Measuring body temperature by keeping thermometer under the tongue is a convenient standardfor measuring one's body temperature. Other places used for keeping the thermometer includethe armpit and the rectum.

Why do you keep a thermometer under the tongue?

Measuring body temperature by keeping thermometer under the tongue is a convenient standardfor measuring one's body temperature. Other places used for keeping the thermometer includethe armpit and the rectum.

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I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

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The bit is placed on the tongue.

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The Angicid tablet is cardiac vasodilator it means that it widens the blood vessels. In case of Severe heart problem keeping it under your tongue widens the vessels. You should keep it beneath your tongue because there is a rich supply of capillaries beneath your tongue so it is absorbed fastly in your blood stream. If you use the other route i.e. the oral intake it will be a greatly time consuming because the tablet will have to go to your stomach first and than to your liver and lastly into your blood this makes the bioavailability of the drug less. stream so it is a better process to keep it under your tongue.

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