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Q: Why the tiger is called. The. Lord. Of the jungle?
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Why tiger is called king of jungle?

Its not tigers, its lions.

Is the Lion King of the jungle or the tiger?

It's the lion that's sometimes called the king of the jungle. IRL it should be the tiger, as lions don't live in jungles.

Why is the lioness called king of the jungle when they should be queen?

Lions as a species are called kings of the jungle, not specifically the females.

How much exercise does a tiger need?

play with it and test it out

Why tiger should be called king of jungle?

Because technically lions don't live in the jungle they live in desert grasslands.

What was the name of the town in The Jungle Book?

The Tiger in the Jungle Book is called Shere Khan

Is the Tiger the king of the Jungle?

Depends on which jungle you're talking about. But yeah, the tiger is a top predator where it lives.

Why should the tiger be called the king of the jungle?

because it fights with another animals with guts and killed them .

Why are lions called the king of jungle?

they are called that because they can nmost eat anything and they are very strong and ferise to kill but i think tiger can be the king but i guess it just the way it is.because a tiger and be the biggest and longest

What does tiger do in the jungle?


What is the strongest animals in the jungle?

Tiger is the strongest animal in the jungle.

What is the tiger chasing?

The tiger is chasing a stag in the Siberian jungle.