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Q: Why the wavelength is always a bit shorter than the calculated one?
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Does infrared or ultraviolet have the shorter wavelength?

UV light has a shorter wavelength than infrared.

Is there a ray with shorter wavelength than the gamma ray?

Cosmic rays have shorter wavelength than gamma rays

Is visible light a shorter or longer wavelength energy in this spectrum?

Shorter or longer than what ? The wavelength of visible light is shorter than that of radio and heat, and longer than the wavelength of X-ray and gamma radiation. And the wavelength of green light is shorter than red light but longer than blue light.

Which waves are shorter than microwaves and longer than visible light?

Infrared Light has a longer wavelength than visible and a shorter wavelength than microwaves.

Does red or violet have the shortest wavelength?

Ultraviolet has a shorter wavelength than red, green, or infrared light.

Does violet have a longer wavelength than blue?

No. Violet has a shorter wavelength than Blue.

Gamma rays have shorter wavelength than infrared rays?

Yes. The wavelength of radiation is w=hc/Energy. Gamma energy is larger than infrared energy, thus has shorter wavelength.

What is blueshift?

A blueshift is a change in the wavelength of light, in which the wavelength is shorter than it was when it was emitted at the source.

Is it true ultraviolet light had longer wavelength than visible light?

No, UV light has more energy than visible light and therefore has a shorter wavelength

Does heat have shorter or longer wavelength than light?

Heat has longer wavelength / lower frequency than visible light.

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet rays?

No, Infra-red has a longer wavelength than Ultraviolet.

Does ultraviolet radiation have longer wavelengths then violet light?

Yes, it does. UV-C wavelength is 200-280 nanometers, UV-B is 280-320 nm, and UV-A is 320-400nm.