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Q: Why there is unlikely to be life on mars?
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Can be life on Mars?

It is possible, but unlikely..Although we now know that water is present there..

Are there any life form on mars?

None that is known. It has been suggested that there may once of been life on Mars, but most scientists think it is unlikely that there is any life there now.

Are there animals on planet mars?

No. The only place known to harbor life in the universe is Earth. Life may have once existed on Mars, but it is unlikely that it evolved past the level of bacteria.

Why is it unlikely that there is life on mars now?

It's too cold+there's too little oxygen+carbon dioxide for life to exist.

Is there a bigfoot on Mars?

Highly unlikely. If there is any life there at all, it is very small and has not yet been identified.

Are any life forms on Mars?

There is a video on YouTube about it. If you look behind a rock, you'll see something. Possibly yes. Unlikely no. See the related link. There may be microbes that produce methane but its very very very very unlikely. There are no know life forms on Mars.

Are there kangaroos on Mars?

No.As far as humans know kangaroos only live in Australia, therefore it is extremely unlikely that they can live on Mars.The Mars Rover has failed to find any form of kangaroo life on Mars.

Could Mars have life on it?

COULD Mars have life? Yes, it could. We see life in some very inhospitable places on Earth, such as in deep caves, volcanic fumaroles at the bottom of the sea, and ice-covered lakes in Antarctica. DOES Mars have life? It seems unlikely; several robot probes including three rovers have detected no signs of it. But every probe continues to look for clues as to if Mars has, or ever did have, life.

Did dinosaurs used to live on mars?

There is some evidence that suggest that mars may have harboured life in the past and possibly still does today. However this evidence at best suggest that life on mars is simple single cell life such as bacteria. There is no evidence what so ever that mars supported large multi-cellular life. It is highly unlikely that anything as complicated as an earthworm never mind dinosaurs ever evolved on Mars.

Who vanished life on Mars?

It is not known who vanished life on Mars. There are however proofs that there was once life on Mars.

Which planet will most likely be visited by humans in the future?

Mars is the planet that is least unlikely to be visited by humans

Can life exist in mars?

can life exist on mars