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The theoretical loads being calculated should be higher than the actual loads that will be used in reality because the weight capacity of a structure, vehicle etc. should exceed the amount of weight it is intended to actually hold. This is true for any type of load, driveshafts, shirt buttons, whatever.

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Q: Why there should be difference in actual loads and theoretical calculated loads?
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What is the difference between should be and to be?

the difference is obvious, You should be a bride or you are to be a bride. (should=could (sorta) and to be = you will be.

What is substr function does in c?

it will give the substring of length(as per the user) from the actual string,and the starting length from where it has to copy the substring from actual should be given by the user.

What is the difference between heat and product analysis in steel Why should this be?

what is the difference between product analysis and heat analysis

What is the difference between paint and repaint methods of java?

The paint method is where actual painting occurs. If you want to change the way a Component is drawn, you should override this method. The repaint method typically just tells your Component that it should call its paint method as soon as it can. This is the method you should call to force a Component to update itself. The Java API warns not to ever directly call the paint method, mostly for efficiency reasons.

What is the difference between unity power factor to 8 power factor?

Power factor does not go above 1. It is the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current and, as such, can range between +1 and -1, although it should be understood that a negative power factor is mathematically equivalent to a generator - when looking at the load as if it is a motor - or vice versa. Unity power factor is applicable for a resistive load. A typical power factor for a big motor is about 0.92. A theoretical power factor of zero, corresponding to a phase angle of 90 degrees, would mean that the load is purely inductive or capacitive, and that the power supply and conductors are also ideal or theoretical.

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