

Why thrombocytosis in anaemia?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why thrombocytosis in anaemia?
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Related questions

How can thrombocytosis be prevented?

There is no known way to prevent thrombocytosis.

Which part of the organ system is the thrombocytosis?

Thrombocytosis is a condition of an increased number of platelets in the blood.

Is fever or thrombocytosis a criteria for poor prognosis in ewings sarcoma?

ya thrombocytosis a poor prgnostic factor

Can Rheumatoid arthiritis cause thrombocytosis?

Yes, thrombocytosis occurs in response to inflammation, and RA is an inflamatory disease.

What is dimorphic anaemia?

iron deficiency anaemia with nomocytic macrocytic anaemia

Can thrombocytosis cause rheumatoid arthritis?

It is more like the other way around Rheumatoid arthritis is one of a considerable number of disease that can cause thrombocytosis.

Do anti tuberculosis drugs cause anaemia?

There are many different antituberculosis drugs available. A lot of them do cause anaemia as a side effect, although some of them do not. Depending on how each drug works, the type of anaemia it causes varies. Some antituberculosis drugs that cause anaemia as a side effect are: * Cycloserine - megaloblastic anaemia * Isoniazid - haemolytic anaemia or aplastic anaemia * Pyrazinamide - sideroblastic anaemia * Rifampicin - haemolytic anaemia

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What is an erythrocyte test used for?

it is used for anaemia and type of anaemia extra.

Why reticulocyte is increase in haemolytic anaemia?

Why reticulocyte is increase in haemolytic anaemia?

How does Thrombocytosis affect life?

Thrombocytosis can lead to an increased risk of blood clots, which can potentially cause serious health complications such as stroke or heart attack. It may also result in abnormal bleeding tendencies. Managing the underlying cause of thrombocytosis through medication or lifestyle changes is important to minimize these risks and maintain a good quality of life.

What is the medical term meaning increase in clotting cells?

The medical term for an increase in clotting cells is thrombocytosis. This condition involves an elevated platelet count in the blood, which can potentially lead to blood clot formation and other complications. It is important to monitor and manage thrombocytosis to prevent adverse health effects.