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Using myself word in introduction, shows your proud nature. Myself should never be used when you introduce in an interview!!

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Q: Why to not use myself word in introduction?
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Introduction of myself?

An introduction of a person should include their name and where they are from. It should include what they enjoy and facts about their life.

When can you use the word myself in a sentence?

You can use the word "myself" in a sentence when you are referring back to yourself for emphasis or clarification. For example, "I made the cake myself" emphasizes that you made it personally. Another instance is when it is used reflexively, such as "I hurt myself when I fell."

When to use Myself?

Use myself reflexively: I hurt myself. For sententious emphasis: For myself, I prefer scotch. Never use myself as the object of a verb or a preposition ( except reflexively, as above ). The correct word in all such cases is me: If you have any problems with this, please see the director or me.

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I would like to express myself succinctly.