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An ultrasound can help discover kidney stones. The technician will place the ultrasound wand over your kidney area and any stones that are present will be visible on the screen.

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13y ago

This process is called LITHOTRIPSY. It uses certain frequencies of sound waves to pulverize or break the stones into small pieces,making it easier to pass them out of the body.

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11y ago

Sound waves cause the stones to weaken and break up. Broken pieces are small enough to be passed during urination.

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Q: How does breaking down kidney stones ultrasound work?
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Kidney Stones can not be helped, they can be treated by either breaking them down and doing number 2 the small stones or surgical operations.

What is bilateral nephrolitiasis?

There are "kidney stones" in each ureter. This is very painful for your body to push them down into the bladder. They may have to be broken up with ultrasound.

How are ultrasounds used in breaking down foreign objetcs?

The ultrasound device is capable of 'focusing' the soundwaves into a very small area. This increases the intensity - which pulverises the object into smaller pieces. A typical use would be in treating kidney stones without surgery. The device 'fires' pulses of ultrasound through the patient's skin - which breaks up the kidney stone into tiny pieces - which can be passed out of the urethra.

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Usually kidney stones. Kidney stones are small pieces of calcium which, if small enough can travel down the urethra - and possibly cause a blockage.

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Why does the birds stores stones in its body?

many birds will eat small stones or gravel. These go into the crop and assist in breaking down food particles.

Can an ultrasound destroy kidney stones?

Yes it can.Ultrasound WavesExtracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a common treatment for kidney stones that uses shock waves outside the body to break down the stones into smaller pieces that can more easily be eliminated. The shock waves pass through the skin to the stones. Doctors use an ultrasound device to locate the stones and direct the shocks. The procedure is typically done on an outpatient basis and has a high success rate. Patients usually can return to normal activities within a couple days. Possible side effects from ESWL include blood in the urine for a few days following the treatment. Bruising of the back and abdomen can result from the shocks that traveled through the areas. If there are a lot of small stones, urinating may be uncomfortable as the stones pass. Multiple ESWL treatments may be required for large stones that don't respond to the first round of shocking.Heavy ShocksIf ESWL does not break up the kidney stones, a more radical approach may be required. A procedure called percutaneous nephrolithotomy is used to send the ultrasound shock waves through an incision, putting the waves directly in contact with the kidney stones. This procedure is 98 percent effective and is useful when treating people who are obese or who have had a stone lodged in the urinary tract for more than 4 weeks. A doctor makes an incision in the back and forms a tunnel to the kidneys. Once the stones have been shocked into bits, the surgeon can remove the pieces directly through the incision. For very large stones, ultrasound shock waves can be sent to the stone over a few days. Patients typically remain in the hospital for 5 or 6 days following this procedure while a tube remains in place to drain the area and to leave a path to go back in if more stones are discovered.

What waves are used to break down kidney stones clean jewelry and examine internal organs?

Ultrasonic waves. Their high frequency causes them to be able to break down kidney stones, clean jewelry, and examine internal organs. Not be confused with X-rays that are used to see bones, not internal organs.

How do doctars treat kidney stones?

It depends on the sizes of the stones. If it is small they will have you urinate it out, and it hurts very badly. If it is large they use tools to go inside of you and break them down into smaller sizes.

Can kidney stones make the top of your leg hurt?

No, kidney stone in left kidney will not hurt your left leg.It has no concern with your leg.

What does passing a kidney stone feel like?

Its feel like a slice of butter melting down at top of the hotdogs.

What are the signs of kidneys shutting down?

blood in your pee or kidney stones but you should talk to a doctor and get testedLarge amounts of thin urine, nocturia.