

Why us fusion not used to generate electrical power?

Updated: 10/7/2021
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6y ago

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Today nuclear fusion is not controlled at industry scale.

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Hudson Parisian

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Q: Why us fusion not used to generate electrical power?
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Nuclear fission is a nuclear process where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts, releasing a significant amount of energy. This process is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity by producing heat which then drives turbines connected to generators.

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Which nuclear reaction is currently used to generate electrical energy?

Nuclear fission is currently used to generate electrical energy in nuclear power plants. This process involves the splitting of uranium or plutonium atoms, which releases a large amount of energy that is used to heat water and produce steam to drive turbines and generate electricity.

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Sure. You can harness the power of falling water to drive turbines and generate electricity. You can't, however, get power from cold fusion or burn water in your gas tank.

How is electrical energy produced at neuclear power plants?

Nuclear power plants generate electricity through a process called nuclear fission. In this process, the heat produced by splitting uranium atoms is used to generate steam, which then drives turbines to produce electrical energy. This energy is then transmitted through the power grid to homes and businesses.

Does inertial confinement involve fission?

The idea of inertial confinement is used in fusionexperiments in an attempt to generate energy from nuclear fusion. We don't see it associated with fission. In the fusion method of power generation, high power lasers force protons (hydrogen nuclei) together and add energy to the mix to initiate a fusion reaction.

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