

Why use Firefox over internet explorer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Most people believe that Firefox is more secure than IE. Though this is somewhat debatable. A study that I read actually suggested that Firefox was less secure than IE general (before activex controls were taken into consideration). However, with active x controls, something Firefox doesn't use, IE was found to be far less secure. You do have the option of turning ActiveX controls off in IE so they shouldn't really be held liable for people not knowing how to use their computers. What is, in my humble opinion, less debatable is that IE is has the largest browser market share and is therefore the biggest target of hackers. No matter how secure IE is it will always have a problem with being hacked. Why write malware for 20% of all computers (Firefox) when you can write it for 67% (IE).

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Use Google Chrome or Firefox instead