

Best Answer

Axes -- ice axes in particular -- are used in ice work, either as a utility tool or as a survival tool.

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Q: Why use axes in Antarctica?
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How can you use axes in a sentence?

The axes

What level does a rogue have to be to use one handed axes?

Since patch 3.2 all rogues can use one-handed axes from their creation on.

What did Vikings use to use in battle?

Axes and sword and sheilds

Why do people use axes?

To cut wood.

What weponds did they use in the Battle of Hastings?

they used alot of weponds like a catapult and axes spears and blood axes

How the mesopotamian farmers use the spears and the axes?

Farmers didn't use them

What tools do you use to look for gold?

now days they use gold detectors and pick axes. Back in the days they used pans (only in the water, axes and shovels.)

What tools do explorers use in Antarctica?

lots of stuff, warm clothing. Boots, proper boots designed for ice, a compass, maybe some form of moving around other than walking like a snowmobile?? lots of food and water

What kind of tools do Egyptian nobleman use?

they use a wide variety and axes

What weapon can shaman use in World of Warcraft?

Maces and Axes

Is this true you always have to use the same scale on both axes?


What did the Inuits use weapons for?

They probably used axes and clubs