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The reason that 120v service was chosen, was economic. Originally electricity was delivered to homes, and most businesses, for a single purpose and that was lighting. Can openers, TVs, washers, dryers, electrical factory machinery, etc. came later. At the time the most cost effective form of light bulb was a carbon filament bulb that operated best (optimally) at 100v to 110v. This, adjusted for transmission voltage drop, set most supply lines at 120v.

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By the time cost effective, and higher voltage, metal filament bulbs were brought to the market, most of the cities in the USA were already running 120v supply lines. Europe was just starting such systems and opted for higher voltage supply lines.

Higher voltages are used for long distance transmission and power distribution because more power can be transferred over the same size wire at a higher voltage (lower current). Power generation plants often use voltages in the hundreds of thousands, 115,000 to 165,000 of volts to move power over long distances. For lines of up to 20 miles long around a city, 2400 volts works well to reduce the voltage loss in the wires.

In North America, the electrical power lines going to residential streets and roads are operated at a primary voltage of 7200 volts. This voltage (12500/1.73 = 7225) is one leg from a three phase 12500 volt primary line. On the secondary of the Transformers it is center tapped to provide 120 volts from each 240-volt leg to the center point. The center point is electrically neutral. The actual measured voltage in your house receptacle circuits will normally be 110 to 120 volts. All appliances are rated for the minimum operating voltage (110-115). This is the cause of confusion about the actual level of the supply voltages.

Different nominal voltage level and frequency standards are used in different countries. Europeans - and many other countries around the world - use 50 Hz (cycles per second) as the alternating frequency, not 60Hz as is used in North America and, again, many other countries around the world. The reason to use a higher voltage is that it is more economical because the current is less, so the wires can be smaller. On the other hand, the reason to use lower voltage in homes is safety: the lower the voltage, the safer it is.

If you have 10 amps drawing on one leg of your 240/120 service, and 10 amps on the other leg, the I2R losses are one fourth what they would be if you had 20 amps on just the one leg.

The Europeans use 415/240 (415/1.73 = 240), so their I2R losses are 1/16th of our 120 volt losses, with 20 amps drawing on just one leg.

480 V center tapped (split phase) is used in the UK only rarely, typically in rural areas to supply an isolated small group of houses that can be fed off a single phase overhead spur. Most houses and small businesses are supplied with 240 V single phase taken from a 415 V three phase local system, fed from a transformer of up to 700 KVA connected to the 11 kV distribution system. The voltage is mostly 240 V but is nominally described as 230 V with a suitably wide tolerance, to comply with European standards.

Originally, the service voltage was about 90 volts direct current, which was Edison's plan. Tesla proposed that the electrical grid be alternating current (AC) and competed with Edison for the first generating plant to be built in the State of New York at Niagara falls. Edison proposed a DC system and Tesla an AC system. History tells us that Tesla won the competition, and because of that the industrial revolution was quickly accelerated. Had Edison won we would probably still be in the dark ages because of the inefficiency of transmitting DC current over long distances. While Edison was promoting the electrical light bulb around the country, almost every town required its own generating station because DC would lose so much in the transmission that it became unusable after only a couple of miles.

Tesla also had invented the poly phase alternating current generators that provided for the ability to generate the voltages necessary for long distance transmission. Tesla kept the voltage about the same as what Edison started but raised it to the 110 volts alternating current (VAC) because of the higher related voltages of 220 VAC and 440 VAC, which were integral to the more efficient poly phase generators.

The standard voltage available in most parts of the country (US) is now nominally 120 VAC volts +/- 10%, and can vary from 108 VAC to 132 VAC. It's usually around 117-118 VAC.

Transmission distances, the actual power needed in a neighborhood, cost, efficiency and safety issues dictate service parameters. Common distribution voltages run up to 16,000 volts. 12,000 is very common but there is still a lot of activity adding on to legacy distribution grids at lower voltages. A 2400 volt primary is very low for a distribution transformer.

In actuality power transmission is over many miles and the transmission voltage is more then 110kV. In fact interstate transmission is in the range of close to 500kV. At a substation it is reduced to 16kV for local area distribution. Transmission for the whole of the grid in North America is all tied together . Why? For economy and reliability. For example in the Summer some states do not use air conditioning but in Las Vegas, Nevada they do, so they actually buy the power from Canada in the summer because it is cost effective and reduces the need for more generation plants. Even then reserve spin power must be sustained for peak demands. Because power plants cannot produce near instant acceleration to meet new demands. In many cities and other peak demand areas, specialist peakers work to ensure that the the integrity of the grid is always maintained. 240 v is standard for the USA but only one phase is used and the transformer center tap is grounded, making it safer. Also, the main frequency of 60 Hz produced by power generation is not as stable as some people think. It varies throughout the day as loading changes but the controllers must legally ensure that it averages 60Hz over a complete day so that electric clocks using synchronous motors remain accurate.

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Mainly because it is unnecessary, it is much more dangerous to use and it costs much more to install.

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12y ago

The answer is not as simple as just this, but one factor is the fact that amperage is reduced as voltage goes up, and less amperage means smaller wire can be used, and smaller wire means less cost to build. But electrical engineers would tell you about advantages too.


There are two ways of looking a this.

Firstly, as the original answer suggests, for a given load, the higher the supply voltage, the lowerthe resulting load current, which means using higher voltages can be more economical in terms of the total volume of copper required to wire the property (due to using wire with a lower current-carrying capacity).

Secondly, if we keep the wiring with the same current-carrying capacity, then a higher supply voltage will enable us to operate heavier loads. For example, in North America, wall outlets are rated at 120 V / 15 A, which means that they can only supply loads of up to 1.8 kW. In the UK, wall outlets are rated at 230 V / 13 A, which means that they can supply loads of about 3 kW. As a result, British appliances, such as kettles, electric heaters, etc., tend to be more powerful (most kettles, these days, are rated at 3 kW).use

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8y ago

To know the reason why we use 110V or 220V as our houses supply we have to go back in time a little bit, It was the era of Edison and Tesla, during this time when Edison's company started there first steam run generator then they considered the voltage to glow a bulb by the consumer end to be 100V and taking into the consideration of transmission loss to be 10% they choose the transmission voltage to be 110V and from that time onward this system continues. Another reason behind the transmission voltage to be in multiple of 11 is to make the manufacturing of transformer easy. The form factor which is the ratio between RMS value and avarage value is 1.11 and the transformers having integral coil ratio were manufactured as they were simple to manufacture and cheap due to lack of technology, thus this form factor comes into picture but this is not the cause, the main cause is as explained earlier. Hope you find this answer useful.

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13y ago

Both 120 and 240 volts are available in most locations in USA.

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Because Europe also uses 230v it means that equipment can be made in larger numbers, making electrical items cheaper in Europe and India and other countries with the same voltage.

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11y ago

Domestic appliances are manufactured to work on 110-120 v and/or 220-240 v. In North America 120 v is used, but in Europe and many other places 230 or 240 v is common.

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What are performance parameters of rectifier?

Rectifiers have two parameters of interest - maximum forward current - and maximum reverse voltage. A rectifier is generally chosen based on these two parameters. Other parameters include turn-on/turn-off time, forward voltage drop, and capacitance. The importance of these and other parameters depends on the circuit design requirements.

What does an rs-232 cable look like?

It looks like any other low voltage cable, such as a CAT-5 Internet cable. There are several variants to the RS-232 standard. The standard defines a 25 pin configuration for serial data communications. In many cases fewer conductors are used. Google RS-232 standard for definition of the connectors, cable length, restrictions, baud rates and voltage levels.

Where in the is the step transformer in the national grid?

Step up transformers are used to boost the voltage up for long distance transmission. At the other end, step down transformer are used to bring the voltage back to a working voltage for distribution to homes and industries

What is the ratio of rms load voltage to mean load voltage?

The mean load voltage, in other words the average voltage, is zero in an ac system.

What happens to the voltage values of other resistors when a short occurs in one of them?

If a short occurs in a resistor in series with other resistors, the voltage drops across the other resistors will increase. If a short occurs in a resistor in parallel with other resistors, the voltage drops across the other resistors will decrease, to zero.

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What is the standard voltage in Taipei?

The commercial voltage in Taiwan is 110V. The frequency of this voltage that is supplied to homes and other places is 60Hz.

Why 220v and 110v was chosen as standard voltage in Brazil and not some other voltage?

220v and 110v are almost the only voltages used around the world because they are the most efficient.

Is 480 volt 50 hz a standard voltage?

480 volt 60 Hz is a standard voltage in North America, but 50 Hz systems are more common in Europe and some other parts of the world. Voltage standards can vary by region, so it's important to check the local electrical codes and standards when determining the appropriate voltage for a specific location.

How many volts are in a m ains socket?

In the United States, the standard voltage for a mains socket is 120 volts. In other countries, such as in Europe, the standard voltage for a mains socket is 230 volts. It's important to check the specific voltage requirements in each location to ensure proper usage of electrical devices.

What are performance parameters of rectifier?

Rectifiers have two parameters of interest - maximum forward current - and maximum reverse voltage. A rectifier is generally chosen based on these two parameters. Other parameters include turn-on/turn-off time, forward voltage drop, and capacitance. The importance of these and other parameters depends on the circuit design requirements.

What distributes electricity?

Electricity is distributed through a network of power lines, transformers, and substations. Power plants generate electricity and transmit it through high-voltage transmission lines to substations, where the voltage is lowered for distribution to homes, businesses, and other buildings through power lines.

Why in India voltage apply is 220 and in America voltage apply is 150?

This is just a standard that has been applied differently in different locals. much the same as cars originally were 6 volts but now the standard is12 volts. There is no intrinsic advantage other than maintaining the standard makes it easier to move electric motors from one area to another. The same vacuum cleaner works in NewYork and Denver. India has set their standard at 220 volts and this standard is maintained throughout the country.

What is node and principal node?

A principal/essential node is one where three or more circuit elements join.A reference node is a chosen principal node from which you measure the voltage or current to other principal nodes.

What is a distribution voltage?

Distribution voltage refers to the voltage level at which electricity is delivered from a substation to homes, businesses, and other end users. It is typically lower than transmission voltage and is commonly around 240 volts for residential applications.

What does an rs 232 cable look like?

It looks like any other low voltage cable, such as a CAT-5 internet cable. There are several variants to the RS-232 standard. The standard defines a 25 pin configuration for serial data communications. In many cases fewer conductors are used. Google RS-232 standard for definition of the connectors, cable length, restrictions, baud rates and voltage levels.

What does an rs-232 cable look like?

It looks like any other low voltage cable, such as a CAT-5 Internet cable. There are several variants to the RS-232 standard. The standard defines a 25 pin configuration for serial data communications. In many cases fewer conductors are used. Google RS-232 standard for definition of the connectors, cable length, restrictions, baud rates and voltage levels.

What is the voltage difference between the two holes in a wall socket?

In a standard household wall socket, the voltage difference is typically 120 volts in the United States and Canada, and 230 volts in other parts of the world like Europe. This voltage difference is what allows electrical devices to operate when plugged into the socket.